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My Private Log daily log
I don't know yet. I'm setting it up because it's there …
I sprang into life on 1st August 1952, lammas day (ominous) in Worksop, Nottinghamshire.
After attending the Lincoln Street junior school, Newcastle Street primary and Central Secondary school, I spent a short time as a co-op errand boy pushing a “Hovis” bike.
At 17 I took up Nursing and trained at the Worksop schools of nursing.
I spent 10 years working in operating theatres and accident & emergency departments.
Wanting a change from the NHS I moved into industry and worked in medical centres at different coal mines working for British Coal (NCB).
After the demise of the coal mines, I worked for a short time in nursing homes following which, I decided to call it a day and take early retirement.
I am now happily retired doing absolutely nothing except for pottering around in the garden and going to Blackpool on holiday when the mood takes me.